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a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada
WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. - Health Canada
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Nic Salts Liquid E-Juice

Nic Salts and How to Use Them

Nicotine salts, as you might have guessed, are an alternative option to nicotine smoking and enjoyment. Made as a counterpart to freebase liquids, nicotine salts (or nic salts) is an alternative for consumers that want different experiences and effects with nicotine. Essentially, it allows you to vape at higher nicotine strengths without that rough throat hit you might be used to. This means that you can vape at a higher nicotine frequency with less unappealing effects, which makes this a great option for frequent to infrequent vapers.

The Popularity of Nic Salts

Vaping has always been a technologically advanced method of getting nicotine, so it’s no wonder that the by-products of e-cigarettes would be. As the demand for more options and alternatives increases, the technology increases as well. Sub-ohm and pod-systems, e-cigarettes have come a long way since “it’s like smoking water”. Never before though has an advancement come with such innovation to what we’re vaping, instead of how.

These new nic-salts, were made by PAX Labs, the same lab that just so happens to have developed the JUUL e-cigarette. In order to ditch high wattage devices, more and more consumers are turning to this method of vaping. This leads to vapers using nic-salts more frequently, looking to score a bigger hit from a smaller and more portable package.

Users are more interested in nic-salts, as they use a more natural approach to their nicotine contents. Freebase nicotine has a smaller dosage, while nic-salts are made with benzoic acid. The addition of benzoic acid makes the nicotine akin to a natural state, providing a more effective absorption into the body, for a quicker and enjoyable experience. To summarize, nicotine salts are a trusted way to feel the effects of nicotine in a satisfying, smooth, and natural way.

The Difference Between Freebase Nicotine and Nicotine Salt / Nic Salts

Freebase Nicotine

Freebase nicotine is often considered one of the purest forms of nicotine. That being said, it has some drawbacks for being such a pure substance. It can be harsh when inhaled with a low concentration and also can need a high wattage device. On the upside, the absorption rate is rapid, giving the effect you are looking for quicker.

Nicotine Salt (Nic Salt)

Nicotine salt, on the other hand, has a more organic form and requires a smaller device to vape it. The throat hit is smooth and mellow while the concentration remains high. It keeps an even absorption rate for those not looking to rush into anything too quickly.

Why You Should or Shouldn’t Choose Nicotine Salts (Nic Salts)

Before we begin with the advantages of nic-salts, it’s important to remember that not all products are for all consumers. You may try nic-salts once and decide it isn’t for you and that is perfectly acceptable. It’s all about personal preference and what is right for your vaping experience. Be responsible with your choices and don’t choose any products that might affect you negatively in the long run.


Nicotine salts provide a more efficient way to vape nicotine and a greater increase in effectiveness. When mixed with an e-liquid, the vaper may have an easier time committing to a vaping lifestyle. It helps previous smokers get the feel of smoking a cigarette without having to pick up one, as nic-salts can be a safer handoff.


For new users, nic-salts might lead to an overwhelming and uncomfortable experience. For light vapers, we recommend a range between 3-12mg- but this is often only available in freebase liquids.

How Should I Use Nicotine Salts?

Freebase liquids can be vaped in almost any device while nic-salts can only be vaped in restrictive MTL tanks or pod systems. So, that being said, we recommend using pod systems or other low-wattage devices as they are the devices made for this product. These methods allow you to be more discreet in your vaping and increase portability.

Be Safe

Before trying this product, it is important to be honest with yourself. What do you want out of vaping and how safe can you be about it? We as a vaping business, always recommend putting the safety of our customers first. So, we hope you too, can put your safety first.

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